What is Noah coin?

Noah coin is a virtual currency (hereinafter referred to as "encryption currency") developed by the volunteers of the political and financial world within the Philippines and developed on a national level scale.

Noah coins are expected to spread mainly as a means of international remittance in the Philippines, and market size of 3 trillion yen is exceeding current market cap value of bit coin of 1 trillion yen.

Benefits of purchasing Noah coin right now

・Can purchase Noah Coin at the lowest price
・Dividend for the first year 20% interest
・Soaring value after market release

Part 1: Noah coins can be purchased at the lowest price

NOAH COIN is currently in 2nd presales Now you can buy it cheapest.
In the last presal period after one year, the price of NOAH COIN will rise 22% compared to the first pre-sale period.
About Noah coin's presal period and price

Part 2: Interest dividend of 20% in the first year

Noah coins can earn 20% interest only by possession of the market from June 2018 in the market for one year.
For example, if you own a Noah coin of 1 million yen, Noah coins for 200,000 yen will be awarded to you over a year.
The interest system is explained in detail on the following page.
Amazing interest system of crypto currency Noah coin

Part 3: Soaring value after market release

The biggest merit of having Noah coins is that there is a high possibility that the value will soar soarly after market release.
Bitcoin is showing a sharp rise of 1.35 million times in just four years from market release. (1.330 million times as of March 2017)
In other words, if the bit coin is exchanged for 10,000 yen immediately after market release (2009), it will be 13.5 billion yen in 4 years.
It is said that NOAH COIN with a market size of 3 times the market capitalization of bit coin is a revolutionary encryption currency with the possibility that such things can happen sufficiently.

・Attention to fraud encryption currency

Of course not all such encryption currencies will cause such incredible value soaring.
Currently, more than 95% of the story of the new encryption currency circulating in the world is said to be a fraud.
When purchasing a cryptographic currency, let's buy it after understanding exactly what crypto currency it is.

Places where Noah coin is used

The market of Noah coin (NOAH COIN) is mainly OFW (Oversea Filipino Worker).
In other words, it is expected to be used as a means of remittance to the home country of Filipinos who are working abroad, and its market size is 3 trillion yen.
The market capitalization of bit coin is about 1 trillion yen, and only "NOAH COIN" has market size that replaces bit coin.

Why is Noah coin required?

Noah coin is a cryptographic currency that was born to fundamentally solve the problem of enormous fee during international remittance, which is an important social problem of the Philippines.
Filipinos are currently working abroad at a rate to say that one of their families is going abroad.
And most of the Filipino people working in the migrant work are transferring money to their families in the Philippines, but the 'fee' for remittance is a big social problem in the Philippines.
By using Noah Coin, you can finish the fee as low as possible.

High fee for remittance

To remit money from a foreign country to the Philippines, you must pay a fee to that country.
The main remittance methods are "international remittance" and "remittance substitution service", but in order to use these services, you have to pay about 10-15% of remittance amount as a commission.
For example, if you transfer 100,000 yen to your home country, a 10,000 yen fee will be charged every time even though it is cheap.
The annual fee is 350 billion yen.
The fee which has flowed out to other countries without reaching this Philippine home country is now a social problem.
Elimination of this remittance fee is beneficial not only for Filipinos who are migrant to other countries, but also for families and businesses in the home country, and for the whole country as well.

About the future of Noah coin

Noah coin's aim is to become a standard for international remittance means to the Philippines.
The purpose of spreading Noah coin is to return 350 million yen to the Philippines fee of 3 trillion yen remittance market of OFW (migration to overseas).
And that is what politicians in the Philippines, chaebol and the citizens all are seeking.
And if you settle as a remittance means from overseas to the Philippines, Noah coin is expected to spread all over the Philippines as a means of domestic remittance.
Because the domestic bank account holding rate in the Philippines is 30%, while the smartphone holding rate is 108%.
For Filipinos who have only one bank account in three, Noah coins that can be remitted if there is a smartphone are also very useful as domestic remittance means.
Noah coin is a cryptographic currency for distributing it as a so-called standard currency in the Philippines.

About the operation source of Noah coin

The operating organization of Noah coin will be a non-profit management organization called "Noah foundation".
It was established with the development of the Philippine economy and volunteers of political and business affairs gathered to solve various social problems in the Philippines.
The Noah foundation is a renowned company in the Philippines such as the Philippine National Airline Company "Philippine Airline" and has been doing activities to spread Noah coin as "Noah Project".
As one of its main projects, we have also decided to construct a large-scale city.

What is Noah City?

In the Noah project, there is a large-scale urban construction plan besides the spread of the encryption currency "Noah coin".
This urban construction plan is a project that can greatly contribute to the spread of Noah coins.
Noah CITY's development plan is large-scale urban development that is contested in the Philippines by 1 or 2.
Amusement facilities, shopping malls, hotels, casinos are built in Noacity and you can use Noah coins in all places.
As Noah Citi is built, Noah coin will be the official encryption currency of the largest city in the country.
The citizen is recognized as the official currency of Shinjuku and Marunouchi in Japan.
As a result, the reliability and penetration rate of Noah coins are expected to rise significantly.
About the world's first cryptographic currency city "Noacity"
World's first cryptographic currency city "Noah City".
Details of its large-scale construction plan and reasons that greatly influence the spread of Noah coin.

Three excellent features of Noah coin

If the encryption currency has the same performance as the bit coin, there is no reason to just use the encryption currency so it will not spread to the world.
There are three main features of Noah coins, and there are clear reasons for spreading around the world.

・Just possessing interest
・New approval method capable of safe and quick transactions
・Operator who does not need profit

Let's take a closer look at the features of Noah coins, how Noah coins differ from other encryption currencies.

Feature 1: Interest earns just by possession

The biggest feature of Noah coin is that it only holds interest as it possesses it.
This system is unique to Noah Coin operated by a banking company, and it can never be imitated to other encryption currencies.
The value of the encryption currency increases as the user's ownership increases.
This interesting system plays an important role as one of the schemes that wish to have Noah coin after market release so that the value of Noah coin inevitably rises.

Amazing interest system of crypto currency Noah coin
Noah coin's own interest system that can never imitate other encryption currency (virtual currency).
Moreover, it is a surprising interest rate that Noah coin has more than doubled simply by holding it for five years.

Feature 2: New approval method capable of safe and quick transactions

One of the differences between bit coin and No coin is the difference in approval method.
The approval method called PoW (proof of work) adopted in bit coin has the following three big problems.

・Environmental destruction caused by enormous power consumption
・Risk of hijacking (51% attack)
・Slow deal of time to deal

All these problems are solved by PoS (Proof of Stake), a new approval method adopted in Noah coin.

Feature 3: Operator who does not need profit

NOAH COIN has an excellent feature that there is a not-for-profit operating company called Noah foundation.
The legal tender currency such as Japanese yen gathered during the Noah coin's presal period will be used for Noah coin development funds, advertisement / promotion, infrastructure improvement.
Because the Noah foundation is a not-for-profit operating organization, we will not do any activities for commercial purposes.
All the funds collected are used for spreading Noah coins, leading to increased value of Noah coins, and never used for anything else.
Also, since bank-related companies are entering, it is also a feature that you can further increase the funds you have collected.
Even if there are no such operators, or if there is a manager, funds shortage cryptographic currency can not do large scale promotion and infrastructure maintenance.
For example, in terms of promotion, considerable advertising expenses will be incurred even if you issue a television commercial or train hanging advertisement.
Speaking of infrastructure development, enormous funds are needed to enable it to be used just like a credit card, as well as allowing ATM to cash in immediately.
There is no government or bank involvement, no crypto currencies exist, no huge advertising expenses, infrastructure development expenses can be volunteered by someone volunteer.
Promotion and infrastructure development will not be conducted unless the operation source exists.
The absence of a centralized organization like the Bank of Japan is a merit of the cryptographic currency, but it also leads to such disadvantages at the same time.
In order to resolve the disadvantage and leave merit, it is necessary to have an organization like the Noah foundation which does not have the enforcement like the government but control the currency to a certain extent.

Japanese cryptographic currency evangelist Tadashi Izumi

As there is no centralized organization for spreading bit coins, spreading in Japan is still far out.
Mr. Tadashi Izumi is the one who spreads the crypto currencies including bit coins in Japan.
Unless he personally spread the necessity of a crypto currency including bit coins throughout Japan, it is predicted that the cryptographic currency is still less familiar in Japan.
Noah coin 's marketing in Japan is focused mainly by Mr. Tadashi Izumi, and the attention of Noah coins in Japan is steadily increasing.

Noah coin pre-sale period

The main contents of Noah coins' pre-sale period are as follows and the market release is June 12, 2018.
The total number of Noah coins sold during the pre-sale period is 43.2 billion NOAH.
The total issue volume of Noah coin is 2,160 NOAH, and the remaining 172.8 billion No coin is returned to Noah coin owner as interest.
Sales period Sales price Sales maximum sales country

Phase 1 2017/1/11 to 2017/2/19 100 NOAH = 144 yen 231.1 billion NOAH Japan · Philippines
Phase 2 2017/4/3 ~ 2017/5/28 100 NOAH = 164 yen 55.85 billion NOAH Japan · Philippines
Phase 3 2017/7/24 - 2017/10/1 100 NOAH = 169.9 yen 111.88 billion NOAH Asian region
Phase 4 2017/12/1 to 2018/4/30 100 NOAH = 175.6 yen 241.16 billion NOAH world market

About the price of the pre-sale period

As you can see from the table above, the price hike up to 22% in the pre-sale period until the 4th term.
The price of Noah coins will only be 1.22 times until it is released to the market.
I think that you can see that the 1.20 times multiplication factor is quite low because it is 1.7 times in the Ethicalium with the second market cap.
Because Noah coin is aimed at spreading widely in the world anyhow, it is such low magnification.
Cryptographic currencies that raise prices more than necessary during the pre-sale period will never popularize in the world.
As a Noah project, it is a national scale project to solve the international. remittance problem, so it will be a problem if we do not spread it.
Nonetheless, if you own Noah coin for 10,000 yen, it will be 12,200 yen by the time the presales are over, so it can be said that it is considerably rising from the aspect of investment.
Noah coin value will rise in proportion to the number and quantity of possessions after the end of the presale and the number of people wanting it.
If the person who exchanged Noah coins during the presale continues to have Noah coin after the market is opened, the value of Noah coin inevitably rises inevitably.
And Noah Coin has a scheme that you want to own possessing properly.

Possibility of ending in the first phase presale reservation

Additional note 17/01/14: The first-period pre-sale was already sold out at the appointment, but we responded so that Noah coin can be sold in one-term presale by selling it ahead of schedule for the fourth term presale.
The first stage presale starts from January 11, 2017, but those who did not make reservations are highly likely to be unable to purchase Noah coins.
In Japan, in December 2016 we started accepting reservations before the presales.
Why is it necessary to make an appointment because it is expected to exceed the amount issued by Nooreco, which was set in the first period presale period.
The prospect of purchasing more than 2.3 billion yen in the first term can be said to be unusual in a number of encryption currencies.






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