
Showing posts from April, 2017

What is Noah Project ?

Noah coin is a virtual currency (hereinafter referred to as "encryption currency") developed by the volunteers of the political and financial world within the Philippines and developed on a national level scale. Noah coins are expected to spread mainly as a means of international remittance in the Philippines, and market size of 3 trillion yen is exceeding current market cap value of bit coin of 1 trillion yen. Benefits of purchasing Noah coin right now ・Can purchase Noah Coin at the lowest price ・Dividend for the first year 20% interest ・Soaring value after market release Part 1: Noah coins can be purchased at the lowest price NOAH COIN is currently in 2nd presales Now you can buy it cheapest. In the last presal period after one year, the price of NOAH COIN will rise 22% compared to the first pre-sale period. About Noah coin's presal period and price Part 2: Interest dividend of 20% in the first year Noah coins can earn 20% interest only by p

How to distinguish fraud encryption currency for not being deceived

Last time I explained the fact that the crypto currency (virtual currency) can spread explosively, and at that timing millionaires are born. Actually, there is a ridiculous thing that the maximum 10,000 yen will be 12 billion yen in bit coins and it became famous as a cryptographic currency dream. However, using this information fraudulent acts using encryption currencies are rampant all over the world. But it is very easy to find out the fraud. Let's see that around this time. All cryptographic currencies (virtual currency) are not worth There are still many people in the world who do not know anything about encryption currencies yet. People unfamiliar with the crypto currency tend to recognize "encryption currency = bit coin". However, there are many kinds of encryption currencies besides bit coins, and not all cryptographic currencies are worth it. That does not mean that you can not afford it unless it is a bit coin. Cryptographic currencies showe

Expanding cryptographic currency (virtual currency) Is explosive popularity soon?

Last time I explained how bit coins represented by crypto currency (virtual currency) got popularized. I think that you can see that it has become pretty popular only in Japan. However, the spread of cryptographic currencies is still to come. And it is not surprising that bit coins which have been spreading smoothly until now, when this will spread explosively. On this page I would like to look at the possibility of the explosive spread of the cryptographic currency and the "finetech chief" born by spreading it. It is not amusing for bit coins to spread explosively It is a bit coin that is spreading a lot at the present time, but it seems that the way it spreads is getting widespread now. But after one month, after a week, there is nothing wrong with the phenomenon that the bit coin is widespread. Like PPAP For example, there is "PPAP" which became explosive popularity, is not it? That PPAP, Justin Bieber murmured at once in a worldwide fame

Not surprisingly known? Encryption currency (virtual currency) is spread so much

Last time I explained about the difference between encryption currency (virtual currency) and legal currency, and the merit of using encryption currency. The cryptographic currency is showing the diffusion so far by the people who noticed earlier those benefits explained earlier. However, even if it says "popularization so far", I think that there are also people who head the head with "how much is spread?" So how is the current cryptographic currency spread? Also, how far is it spreading now? I would like to take a closer look at this area. Birth of encryption currency (virtual currency) In 2008, a cryptographic currency thesis was announced anonymously by a mysterious person named Takashi Nakamoto (Nakamoto Satoshi). And based on this paper a bit coin is born, but one question arises here. Why on earth is it so anonymous? If you are "Nakamoto Satoshi" who developed a cryptographic currency, especially a bit coin prototype, you can eas

Encryption currency (virtual currency) is so convenient! Benefits of using encryption currency

In the last article I explained that money has been changing in various ways in the history so far. Under such circumstances, the cryptographic currency (virtual currency) is starting to spread as one form of new money now, but do you understand why the encryption currency is beginning to spread so much in the world? It is a simple story, it is more convenient in various ways to use the encryption currency than to keep using the existing currency (statutory currency) as it is now. So how is the unified encryption currency different from the current currency? Also, I would like to explain in detail the merits of using encryption currency. Difference between encryption currency and legal currency Let's start by looking at how the encryption currency is different from the currency we have in the past. Difference 1: There are many kinds of encryption currencies The first difference is that there are many kinds of cryptographic currencies, and not only the state but anyo

Money is just a piece of paper? Money that will change shape

Why is the encryption currency (virtual currency) such as bit coins popular all over the world so much? And why is it expected to become more popular from now on? By knowing how money has changed in shape, you can understand the mechanism by which the encryption currency spreads deeply. So, first of all I would like to briefly explain the history of money. Money changes shape with the times First of all, we will briefly explain how money changed shape. Money was a shell shell at the beginning Money was born in the world for the first time in 1200 BC. At that time human beings used money for seashells. Later, in the year 600 BC, the world's first coin is born. And in the year 1000 AD the world 's first banknote was born. So what started with shells became coins and became bank notes, money was changing shape with the flow of the times. Money has been changing its shape many times in history so far. Money changed form from "money" to "paper

Amazing interest system of crypto currency Noah coin

Noah coin has introduced a system called "interest" which is a completely new system not found in other encryption currencies. Simply put, as if you are depositing legal tender currencies such as Japanese yen in banks, you only have possession of Noah coins. This system is unique to Noah coins operated by bank related companies such as "Allied Savings Bank", and it can not be imitated by any other encryption currency. Although other cryptographic currencies, including bit coins, may rise in value, the coin itself does not increase. In addition to contributing to the social problem of the Philippines, Noah coin has enough investment aspect. The value of the encryption currency will rise as more people do not let go after purchase. This interesting system plays an important role as one of the schemes that wish to have Noah coin after market opening so that the value of Noah coin inevitably rises. Dividend rate of interest The payout ratio of interes