Not surprisingly known? Encryption currency (virtual currency) is spread so much

Last time I explained about the difference between encryption currency (virtual currency) and legal currency, and the merit of using encryption currency.
The cryptographic currency is showing the diffusion so far by the people who noticed earlier those benefits explained earlier.
However, even if it says "popularization so far", I think that there are also people who head the head with "how much is spread?"
So how is the current cryptographic currency spread?
Also, how far is it spreading now?
I would like to take a closer look at this area.

Birth of encryption currency (virtual currency)

In 2008, a cryptographic currency thesis was announced anonymously by a mysterious person named Takashi Nakamoto (Nakamoto Satoshi).
And based on this paper a bit coin is born, but one question arises here.
Why on earth is it so anonymous?
If you are "Nakamoto Satoshi" who developed a cryptographic currency, especially a bit coin prototype, you can easily imagine that a considerable amount of money will flow to you even if you say your name.
But no one in the world gets to give in to it.
To guess this is in "life is dangerous".
We do the ultimate thing in the economy so to change the form of money.
Then, the existing value of legal currency, which is an existing form, is shaken.
There are countless companies that make profits by taking advantage of the characteristics of this statutory currency, and from those companies it is not a story of a big blow but a lot of companies involved in the crisis of survival come out.
If the cryptographic currency continues to spread as it is, companies will become more and more unmanageable.
In this case, the person named Nakamoto Satoshi buys resentment from people all over the world.
"Nakamoto Satoshi is mine."
And, if you give in, it is not really a joke but a crisis of life.

Encryption currency spread all at once as a tax reduction measure

After that, various programmers made improvements and bit coins began circulating around the world.
In August 2015, the demand for cryptographic currency expanded at a stroke due to the outflow of the "Panama document."
A Panama document is a confidential document of a law firm located in Panama.
It was discovered that the leakage of this confidential document caused the top of the financial sector and the wealthy people of each country to carry out a tax-free tax reduction.
Specifically, I made a company in a country where taxes are preferential, and was doing to escape money there.
However, due to the outflow of the "Panama document", countermeasures were taken in each country and it became impossible to do such a tax reduction.
So it was the encryption currency that the public and the wealthier people saw.

Current penetration rate of bit coins

Bit coin handling companies

Now that the bit coin has increased the volume at once, now companies like the world and Japan, such as "Apple" "MicroSoft" "Rakuten" etc., are already compatible with bit coin settlement.
Companies that support bit coin settlement have already exceeded 1000 companies.

Most recent company movements

In March 2016, "" began accepting bit coin settlement.
In September 2016, German energy companies adopted bit coin payment for utility charges.
In addition, it became possible to pay utility fees for bit coins for the first time in Japan.
This is not a major player such as "Tokyo Gas" or "TEPCO".
Specifically, we can mention "Mitsubishi Gas", a gas company that entered electric power freely.
And it is thought that this movement, that is, correspondence to payment of bit coins of utility fee will accelerate more and more.

Three big megabanks started FinTech

Furthermore, in 2016, we started a major domestic bank FinTech.
"Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ," "Mizuho Bank," "Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation" These three major mega banks also began to undertake FinTech.

3 Megabanks such as Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, etc. are corporate services and cooperate with venture companies to provide full-fledged "FinTech" making full use of IT (information technology). A new customer service is expected to spread with technology innovation.(From the Nihon Keizai Shimbun)

What is FinTech?

FinTech is a new financial service using IT technology.
Typical examples of FinTech are as follows.

・Encryption currency including virtual coin (virtual currency)
・" Mobile payment "which can handle card payment with one smartphone
・"Mobile phone" that can charge electronic money to mobile phones
・Net Bank "where you can transfer money on the net
・Cloud household account book "that automatically creates a household account book from the use history of the card etc.

Passing the virtual currency law in Japan

The Japanese government approved the bit coin as money and decided the Cabinet decision on the bill.
And in May 2016 the virtual currency law passed.
The Japanese government is also starting legal regulation right now and it is the stage where the Japanese government is beginning to treat the cryptographic currency as being unable to ignore.
This indicates that the cryptographic currency is increasingly expanding in Japan.
Naturally, there is no point in regulating laws that do not spread, unnecessary ones.

The Bank of Japan established FinTech Center

Although it is the central bank, that is, the Bank of Japan that is most threatened by the birth of the cryptographic currency, it is the Bank of Japan, even the Bank of Japan has released movements of bit coin analysis and the establishment of the BOJ FinTech Center I am showing it.
In this way, not only the three major mega banks, but also the central banks, the Bank of Japan and the Japanese government, are beginning to be involved in the cryptographic currency one after the other like this way.


It is hard to notice by merely living normally, but bit coins are now spreading considerably only in Japan, as mentioned above.
However, it is only a stage that the present stage is still beginning to spread.
The cryptographic currency, including bit coins, can spread explosively at any time.
Perhaps the timing may be next week or, to put it more, it may be tomorrow.
Why can you say such a thing?


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